put your head on my shoulder

Just wearing a red tank and white shorts kickin' back in this broken chair. It feel likes I'm a lifeguard or something and I'm about ready to save someone. Of course I can't swim despite the countless swimming lessons I had as a child. I have the certificates to prove it. Unfortunately, they did nothing but help me get dunked by my babysitter's kids. In the water, I panic. I can't hold my breath for longer than 30 seconds. Pathetic huh? Never was a water baby.

Today was the ideal weather to go swimming. It was warm but there was nice breeze so it kept me cool. Today was the AP Government Exam. How did I do? I have no idea. Multiple choice was first. I died. I wasn't even thinking anymore. I think I felt confident on only two of the 36 I answered. I tried my best on the FRQs. Gawsh. I really don't know how I did. It'll be a miracle if I even get a 2. I hear you can get a 1 for writing your name. Who knows how I did. I'll find out eventually.
me during the AP Psychology exam
Afterwards, it was lunch then Track. It was a good thing I didn't suit up because I had the worst cramps I've ever had. They stuck around for a good half hour. It was so painful and unusual since I rarely get them. Gahhh Omg I'm getting it right now. Owww dhsdjfhs sharp pains. Wooh, it comes and goes. Eventually I decided I should sit in Daniel's car. Although it was hot, it felt like such a relief to crouch into a little ball. haha. Once practice was over, Daniel came. I told him to rub my belly. It hurtededed. But he made it feel better :)
I should study for Unit 3 Psychology. I think it's the only AP Exam I'm actually nervous about. I hope I can get at least a 4. I've stayed up countless nights studying for those tests and quizes. I'm going to give it my all. As for now, I'm gonna cut up an apple and study. See ya.

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