make it shine

This weekend had to be the most eventful one so far this year. Friday was pretty fun, went out to Yogurt World with Daniel and stuffed my cup with mystery chocolate pieces. Saturday was a really great day. We made California sushi rolls dunked in vinegar :) hahaha I went overload with the vinegar when I was making the dipping sauce. Let's say I really eyeball it. We had a picnic then watched Ponyo. Oh yeah Daniel got fruit loops for Lily because after all we do owe her alot..and Dennis. haha.It was a great night. And a great year ;) Sunday was interesting as well. I suprisingly received a call from my Bra, Linda. She asked me if I wanted to help her go look for prom dresses at North County with Anna and Josh. It was good to talk to them again. I miss my Bras. LOL hahaha

Lately, I've been watching this show called Victorious on Nickelodeon. I find the hot-pink hair chica hilarious, who would have known she can sing? chyeahh! Check out this link. It's catchy. She goes by the name of Ariana Grande.

While we waited outside of Josh's House, my bro called to tell me that he has friends who can definitely do my make-up (ew), hair (yay!) and pictures. Here are some examples of what his photographer friend is capable of doing:

Yep, well that was my week so far. Time to do Psych!

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