i can almost see it

Yes! My show's on! I love Glee!! It's the show I always look forward to. I've always had dreams of joining choir or drama at school. I really enjoy singing and dancing at home..behind closed doors of course. Gosh, this show has the best songs and I prefer their versions for all the songs they sing. I wish I can be on Glee. Hahaha. If you're ever wondering why Glee is so awesome, here's your answer:

Artie :D

Today was the Pysch Test. I really hope I did well. It went by alot faster than I expected. Hmm, I think I'll be dissapointed if I get a three. I don't know. I can't wait until July to find out. What else happened today. Oh. Yeah. College is expensive. It's no joke. Orientation alone is 104 dollars. Can you believe that. I could've gone to Disneyland, bought a yearbook, bought food...clothes? Ech..not really. I don't need much of that stuff. Well maybe the food part haha. But what I'm trying to get at here is that I think I could have put that money to good use. Sigh*

Sunday was Mother's Day. It would have been great if my sister stuck around. My kuya made teriyaki salmon, and we both made rice pilaf and rosted asparagus. As an appetizer we made shrimp lettuce wraps. Made up of butter lettuce, jumbo shrimp sauteed in hoisin and orange marmalade, topped with slivered carrots and mango salsa. Yummmmmy. I'll upload pictures eventually.

Later on my bro read stories from his blog. He made a blog when he was my age and it kinda inspired me to have one. Compared to my life, he went through alot of harsh times. Although my life is extremely boring right now, I thought, might as well make a blog until something happens you know? Who knows what the future holds?

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