happy mother's day

Guess what? My prom dress finally arrived! It's here!! I'm so happy. My dad drove me down to Escondido to pick it up at Aria's bridal. The whole way there we listened to Lights.

This is her:

I've been listening to her non-stop. She's my new Demi Lovato. When I think of these girls, I always associate their style to that of Jacqueline Rivera. On the way back my dad goes "Why do you hab all these nice songs?" Looks like I gotta update his iTouch.

Yesterday was relaxing. I woke up. Cleaned my room. Broke the washer machine. Sorrrrry Mom ): She came back later that afternoon and we surprised her with roses. Then this morning my mom woke me up to go to Church at 7am. Although I've been kind of distant from my church lately, I thought it would be nice to go to show her some appreciation. She kept thanking me the whole morning and was so glad that I went. I'm glad I went too because I listened to Father Michael as I smiled at a baby that kept staring at us. I learned that even though it seems that our mothers may nag at us for the smallest things, it's just that they cares about us and wants the best for us. To us, she may be forcing us to go to church with her but he said that's not the case, It's that she wants to shower us in the same light that the Lord has shined upon her. So far it's been a good morning. I wonder if Kuya's coming today..He usually does visit on Sundays.

Well I gotta start on my English Persuasive Speech and study for the Psych Exam.
Oh..and fit a little bit of that Prom Guide as well. blech.

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