
Since I have an artist as a boyfriend, I decided I'd have a take on a couple different use of media that my Totoro wallet could offer...

While my boyfriend was away back home in Okinawa earlier this warm summer, I tried to think of what to get him. Frustrated by hours of attempting to think of what to get for him, I thought I'd try creating something for a change. He has inspired me since the day I started to get to know him better. Little did I know that he was extremely talented...with his hands! ;D

I was in disbelief the first time I was in his apartment, when his best friend/room mate, Gerry let me flip through one of his sketch books. He wasn't home during 
 those first two hours I was there. Yet, I was so amazed by this person, who I barely even knew at the time, but was able to produce these incredible sketches of what seemed to consist of mostly women. They all had unique characteristics with a sort of anime-like style. Since then, I became interested in him more and more. Later when he arrived home, he came in the room only to find me, Gerry and my friend Kim watching Mame-shiba! Unfortunately, he thought we were all high. Oh wait, no. That was Kilo.  -____-

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