a crispity-crunchity dive

I must admit, this mocha cookie crunch is pretty yummy-in-my-tummy! I usually don't like getting anything from Starbucks due to their overpriced coffee and my fear of becoming addicted..but I can see why people come here all the time. I'm currently at a Starbucks..doing work! Who knew? Ahaha, I'm 35min away from home and I just met with one of my scriptwriters who has officially welcomed himself on board!!!!! Gawd. I am so blessed to have him and my Ate Jen helping me too. She was a..[ahh, sun is burning my bicep] past coordinator and it makes me comfortable when I see exactly how much fun she's had with her own production. She's become a stronger person because of it and I can only hope that I will grow from this year. Who knows what this new position will entail, but something is telling me that I will definitely be a different person after the year is over. I'm scared. I'm frightened..but I'm looking forward to it!

Aja! Aja! Fighting!
Here goes everything!

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