
Goodness, I hope I don't get sick from the rib-eye steak I ate today for my Papa's birthday dinner celebration. My stomach is starting to hurt..and so does my head /: I never was a big fan of "medium-rare". Ah, I hope it isn't "rare" to start feeling symptoms like this. I also took a sip of German white wine. :P blech..did I ever mention that I get nauseous even at the slightest whiff of alcohol? Me no feel gewd d;

random old post from unknown time

two diff earing
getting to prom by car
big whole in my pants

Today was another interesting day. The weather was bipolar. At first it was extremely cold then it got burning hot during Track. Art was pretty fun. Lorraine came over and brought some strawrberry milano cookies and a camera. The whole time we were taking abunch of pictures and dancing to Fire by 2NE1.

bite the bullet

I think I'm going crazy. I really need help storing all the FCN stuff Al is passing down to me and it's really difficult when people are telling me that they "don't have room". That answer is understandable, but I don't have room either. I'm already holding onto so much stuff for FCN/E-Board that my parents want to start throwing it out. I don't know how much more I can take before they snap.

When I mentioned that we should possibly invest in a storage room, and that we may possibly have to pay $5 dollars each, I got no response. No one can help, or doesn't want to. 

My last hope is to contact them, personally. I just hate when I feel like I have to bother people.

Al's parents are bringing all the stuff down this Saturday, and on that very day, I have to take it off their hands. I just won't have anywhere to put it. This is one of the first tasks I have to do as FCN, and our first task as board. I wish it wasn't so hard. I really need people to just answer me, or at least bite the bullet with me. What scares me is in the long run, will I be able to rely on them? In the end, I'm scared that I'll have no one to to turn to on board, but my self. I'm probably just stressing over nothing..like I usually do. I'm sorry for ranting. I just need you to help me keep me sane.

On a happier note, I had a family dinner..with my whollle family. Mom, Papa, Kuya, Ate..everyone. We made rib-eye steak, cauliflower mash and zucchini. I actually enjoyed the steak (and this is coming from a meat-hater. lol.. My sister and I haven't been fighting lately. She's treating me out to Mitsuwa tomorrow when I come home from school. Then Tuesday, I'm going t Sprinkles with Jed. I miss the old times, but I'm happy to see it reappear again.